Plans that are part of the TRICARE military insurance system do not have to comply with the ACA requirement to cover contraception without cost-sharing. While the ACA does not apply to plans administered by the federal government, the government applied the contraceptive coverage requirement to its health insurance program for civilian federal employees. It was not able to do so for members of the military and their dependents. Although TRICARE covers several contraceptive methods, it does require cost-sharing for beneficiaries who are not active duty military personnel. At the time of this guide’s publication, legislation to ensure all service men and women and their dependents who rely on the military for health care have comprehensive contraceptive coverage and counseling without cost-sharing was pending.
At the time of writing, advocates are seeking clarity about complex coverage rules related to Medicare and coverage of LARC methods, particularly for individuals who are dually eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid. If you or your colleagues have experience billing Medicare for LARC methods or related services, please let us know by contacting NHeLP at [email protected] and including “reproductive health” in the subject line.